In The Year 2550...


1a.lives in water. go to 2

1b.lives on land. Go to 3


2a. has tentacles. Is a tentacled-Aqua humanoid

2b. doesn’t have tentacles. go to 4

3a. is a plant. It is Poison Grass

3b. is an animal. Go to 5

4a. is it a plant. Is Aqua-Wheat

4b. eats waste.  Is Chemosynthetic goldfish

4c. gets energy from sun. Is a photosynthetic Sun-Basking


4d. has 8 limbs. Is an Aqua-Spider

4e. has fins. Is an aqua humanoid

5a. has 4 arms. Is a Terrestrial humanoid

5b. has 10 legs. Is a Ten-Legged Flea

5c. doesn’t have either. Go to 6

6a. is fuzzy. Is a Fuzzy Hamster

6b. not fuzzy. Go to 7

7a.  is green. Is a green haired rat

7b. isn’t green. Go to 8

8a. is a roach. Go to 9

8b. isnt a roach. Is a Parasitic Mosquitoes

9a. looks like a butterfly. Is a butter-Roach

9b. doesn’t look like a butter fly. Is a cockroach